The Playwright and Conflict Resolution: A Critical Perspective on Ahmed Yerima’s The Angel

The Playwright and Conflict Resolution: A Critical Perspective on Ahmed Yerima’s The Angel
CLAREP Journal of English and Linguistics (C-JEL)

Author: Clement Chukwuka Idegwu
Institution: University of Delta
Email: id******@ya***.com; cl************@un****.ng


This article examines the concept of conflict, its causes, effects and how to minimize it in human relationship. It employs Ahmed Yerima’s The Angel as its anchor or illustrative text. The theory for the investigation is sociological theory which explicates the relationship between art and society and how art redefines a world that has lost its track. The inquiry discovers that selfishness, greed, undue and unnecessary or unhealthy competition create dissension among siblings and members of the society. These things create discord which undermines family bloodline, and goes on to destroy everyone. It also shows that, the survivors, if there be any, concentrate, on how to maximize the moment for selfish gains rather than brooding over the monumental waste of lives, among other things. This indeed is disheartening. This paper resolves or establishes that, though conflict is prevalent in all societies, siblings and human beings in general could minimize it to the barest minimum. This is possible if they refuse to allow greed and avarices that usually becloud human sense of reasoning to overwhelm them. This must be articulated in families, homes and in childhood in order to avoid children growing up with the intent for self–aggrandizement which remains inimical to our collective wellbeing.


Conflict, unhealthy competition, sociological, siblings, deceitful and greed.

Pages: 145-161
ISSN: 2698-654-X
ISBN: 978-3-96203-247-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-96203-248-7 (PDF)

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