Intercultural Encounters, Historicity and Cultural Communication for Development in Nigeria

Intercultural Encounters, Historicity and Cultural Communication for Development in Nigeria



Osakue Stevenson Omoera


Publication Date

June 14, 2023

No. of Pages






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The book is a collection of essays on African indigenous knowledge systems (AIKS), ethnography, cultural dynamics, language, gender, and cultural avatars, especially among the Benin and Yoruba peoples in Nigeria. It is a fresh and refreshing look at intercultural encounters among ethnicities that provides a framework for scholars and researchers in African Studies to probe the issues of continuity and discontinuity in the sociology of indigenous African people and mobilise them for progress. Concretely, the articles explore power dynamics in societies through performance and cultural arts and permit the readers to demystify, deconstruct, and reconstruct Western ways of thinking and knowing influenced by dominant and oppressive social systems, structures, and knowledges. Furthermore, it provides students and other knowledge seekers with lenses for understanding and critical reappraisal of intergroup relations, aesthetic trends in modern African performances and festivals, and historical-mythical engagements aimed at cultural communication for development in Nigeria. The editors of this book create a platform for critical awakening. Each chapter of this book carefully adopts a unique approach to exploring issues that concern interculturalism, transculturalism, and transnationalism.



Osakue Stevenson Omoera


Publication Date

June 14, 2023

No. of Pages





About the author

Stephen Ogheneruro Okpadah is a Chancellor International Ph.D. Scholar in the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Warwick, UK, and a non-resident research associate in the Centre for Engaged Theatre, University of Regina, Canada. Okpadah is also a non-resident research fellow in the Department of Political Science, University of Religions and Denominations, Iran. His research interests are in applied theatre and cultural studies.


About the co-author

Osakue Stevenson Omoera, Ph.D., is an expert in applied media, film and theatre studies. He teaches and conducts research in media sociology, Nollywood studies, development communication, and African theatre and cultural dynamics at the Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria, where he chairs the Department of Theatre and Film Studies. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja.

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