This book discusses women’s emancipation, freedom and self-fulfilment in D. H. Lawrence’s fiction. It explores women’s realization of their subjugation to patriarchal norms and their endeavor to liberate themselves from these norms in order to be free and self-fulfilled. In fact, in the four novels under study, Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love, and Lady Chatterley’s Lover women’s lives are limited by patriarchal norms and all their love relationships are fraught with conflicts due to men’s desire to dominate women as love partners and women’s determination and resolution to subvert that male domination. Out of this study, it turns out that D. H. Lawrence promotes, through his writings, womanist principles of a peaceful love relationship. The promotion of women’s education is one of the key issues which are used by the writer as a way towards their emancipation and thereafter towards the harmonious development of all nations.
Women’s Emancipation, Freedom, and Self-Fulfilment in D.H. Lawrence’s Fiction: A Feminist Approach to Sons and Lovers (1913), The Rainbow (1915), Women in Love (1920), and Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928)
Women’s Emancipation, Freedom, and Self-Fulfilment in D.H. Lawrence’s Fiction: A Feminist Approach to Sons and Lovers (1913), The Rainbow (1915), Women in Love (1920), and Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928)
Author | |
Title | Women’s Emancipation, Freedom, and Self-Fulfilment in D.H. Lawrence’s Fiction |
ISBN | |
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Publication Date | February 2019 |
No. of Pages | 270 |
Categories African Studies, General Interest
Tags Africa, African Studies, Akpemado, English literature, University of Lomé, Yawavi Edem Akpemado
Author | |
Title | Women’s Emancipation, Freedom, and Self-Fulfilment in D.H. Lawrence’s Fiction |
ISBN | |
Size | |
Publication Date | February 2019 |
No. of Pages | 270 |
Author information
Yawavi Edem Akpemado has defended her Doctorate Degree in English literature in 2018 at the University of Lomé where she is teaching as a part time teacher. Her research works are focused on women’s emancipation, freedom and self-fulfilment, their liberation from patriarchal subjugations that have enslaved them for centuries, passing through the promotion of womanist thoughts.