CLAREP Journal of English and Linguistics (C-JEL), Vol 4 (PDF)


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The fourth volume of the CLAREP Journal of English and Linguistics (C-JEL 4) contains fourteen (14) well-researched papers in the fields of English and literary studies. The papers are based on various topics such as history of the English language in Africa, applied linguistics, New Englishes, academic literacy, semiotics, and analysis of poetry and prose as tools of social, economic and political conflict management.

The Centre for Language Research and English Proficiency (CLAREP) is an educational non-governmental, non-profit organisation whose focus is on the advancement of language research in Africa and the promotion of the proficient use of language in all its spheres.

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Publication Date

December 2022

No. of Pages


About the author

Professor Alexandra Esimaje is a Professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics, and the Executive Director of the Centre for Language Research and English Proficiency (CLAREP) as well as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education and Administrator of the Corpus Linguistics and Language Centre in Benson Idahosa University, Benin City.