Gender Based Violence Against Female University Students in Ethiopia

Gender Based Violence Against Female University Students in Ethiopia



Gender based violence is one of the most frequent type of human rights violation against girls and women. Having this background, the major objectives of this research was investigating the types, cause and consequences of this gender based violence against female students in Bahir Dar University.
Sexual harassment is the most frequent form of sexual violence perpetrated against female students. In addition, attempted rape and rape too were perpetrated against female students mainly outside of the University. Psychological and emotional violence are also inflicted against female students through insult, humiliation and embarrassment.
Economic violence, denial of liberty and discrimination in the form of giving priority to male students, are the other types of GBV observed in Bahir Dar University. Female students are also victims of physical violence through slap, battering and kicking. The causes for such types of violence were identified as legal and structural constraints.
GBV has various consequences on female students’ physical, emotional and psychological health and educational achievements. The study showed that GBV is one of the major causes for female students’ lower academic achievements. Finally, the study points out some recommendations.






No. of Pages


Publication Date

November 2015

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