Language and Gender – Politics in the African Novel (PDF)

Language and Gender – Politics in the African Novel (PDF)



Publication Date

17 April, 2023

No. of Pages



This book attempts to apply the tenets of applied linguistics to the reading and explication of Gender Politics in the African Novel. Applied linguistics focuses on the numerous and complex areas in society in which language plays a role. As an interdisciplinary field which identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems; gender politics is interrogated from several standpoints of stylistics, discourse analysis, text linguistics and literary criticism. In this context, meaning and implication for scholarship and development are of consequence. The claim is supported that the African Novel represents a veritable part of the culture, history, politics, and economy of Africa in unquestionable form.



Publication Date

17 April, 2023

No. of Pages


About the author

Amen Uhunmwangho is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria. Apart from obtaining a Doctorate in English, he is also a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and Notary Public.

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