Motives and Philosophical Perspectives of President Corazon C. Aquino as Reflected in her Speeches (PDF)

Motives and Philosophical Perspectives of President Corazon C. Aquino as Reflected in her Speeches (PDF)



Publication Date

December 12, 2022

No. of Pages



In general, this research sought to determine the motives and philosophical perspectives of the late President Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino as reflected in three of her speeches. Using the lens of Burke’s Dramatism Theory through Pentadic Analysis, this study found that agent dominates among all the other terms in her three speeches which shows that she saw agent as the most important of all the other elements in her speeches. The ideas that fall under agent were categorised by the researcher into four, namely: (1) the Filipino people, (2) Cory Aquino herself, (3) Ferdinand Marcos, and (4) Ninoy Aquino. Agent, being the most dominant term in her speeches further reveals that Cory Aquino was an idealist. Finally, the findings of this study would definitely provide the Filipinos an in-depth understanding about Cory Aquino’s ideals, beliefs, and values – being one of the most important figures of democracy in Philippines and world history.



Publication Date

December 12, 2022

No. of Pages


About the author

Dickson P. Pagente, LPT, PhD finished his doctorate degree in applied linguistics at the University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines. Currently, he is an associate professor and the research director of San Agustin Institute of Technology, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines. His research interests include language education, Philippine languages, stylistics, lexicostatistics, and social science research.

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