A Principled Approach to Teaching Collocations: Testing Nizonkiza’s Collocation Web Model among English Majors at the University of Burundi

A Principled Approach to Teaching Collocations: Testing Nizonkiza’s Collocation Web Model among English Majors at the University of Burundi



The present study explores the effectiveness of Nizonkiza’s Collocation Web Model (CWM) while teaching collocations. Nizonkiza claimed that the model could be used while teaching both academic and general vocabulary, which this study aimed to assess. Participants, BAC2 and BAC3 English majors from the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL) of the University of Burundi, were administered collocation tests in a pre- and post-experimental design. They were presented with tests before and after being exposed to collocation-based syllabi through Nizonkiza’s CWM with academic vocabulary selected from the AWL and general vocabulary selected from Nation’s 2000 word-band. Their collocations were selected from the Oxford Online Collocation Dictionary (2002). A sample of participants answered a questionnaire as well in order to obtain their assessment of the model.





No. of Pages


Publication Date

June 2017

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