The Image of Africa in the International News of Selected Nigerian Newspapers

The Image of Africa in the International News of Selected Nigerian Newspapers


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News flow studies have repeatedly documented negative coverage and under-reporting of Africa by western news media. However, scholars of international communication have basically ignored the coverage of Africa in African media. Therefore, this study examined the image of Africa as portrayed in the international news columns of the Nigerian newspapers in order to determine how African media represent the continent. The image of Africa in the Nigerian newspaper as that of a politically unstable, conflict ridden and economically backward continent challenges popular assumptions about its portrayal in African newspapers. This has pedagogical and curricular implications for African communication schools. This study reinforces the arguments for redefining the concepts of news and news value in Africa.




Publication Date

July 2020

No. of Pages


Author information

Ebenezer Adebisi Olawuyi, Ph.D is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Communication and Language Arts, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His research interest spans international communication with special focus on Africa, public relations, and China-Africa media relations.

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