Wetin Concern Agbero with Overload? Metaphorical Mapping and Nigerian Pidgin Proverbs

Wetin Concern Agbero with Overload? Metaphorical Mapping and Nigerian Pidgin Proverbs

CLAREP Journal of English and Linguistics (C-JEL)

Author: Lily Chimuanya & Favour Olajide
Institution:  Covenant University
Email: lily.chimuanya@covenantuniversity; fa***************@st*.ng


This paper explores the linguistic complexity and cultural significance of Nigerian Pidgin (NP) proverbs through the lens of metaphorical mapping, shedding light on the intricate interplay between indigenous Nigerian folkloric traditions, cultural values, and contemporary NP discourse. Proverbs are carriers of attitudes, beliefs, and ideologies and this study shall describe cross-domain mappings in selected NP proverbs, examining how they are shaped by context in production as well as in comprehension. Particularly, it shall explore the influence of indigenous languages on the proverb-telling culture of NP speakers. Using insights from Kövecses’s (2021) Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory, the study shall describe the contextual dimensions – situational factors, cultural backgrounds, and communicative intents – that shape the dynamic and adaptive nature of metaphor production in NP discourse. Ultimately, it shall argue that Nigerian English, despite its lexifier being English, maintains strong ties to indigenous Nigerian folkloric traditions and values via proverbial sayings, both in their structure and usage. The findings of this research will be valuable not only to linguists and cultural researchers but also to educators, policymakers, and language preservationists, providing insights into the profound cultural signi1cance and linguistic depth of NP proverbs.

Keywords: Nigerian Pidgin, proverbs, metaphor, conceptual metaphors, cultural studies, social psychology, discourse analysis

Pages: 147-168
ISSN: 2698-654X
ISBN: 978-3-96203-404-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-96203-405-4 (PDF) 
DOI: https://doi.org/1056907/gnsxisc2

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