Ghana @ 60: Evolution of the Law, Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Future Prospects – Proceedings of a Conference, 9th-10th March 2017, LBC Auditorium, University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), Ghana (PDF)

Ghana @ 60: Evolution of the Law, Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Future Prospects – Proceedings of a Conference, 9th-10th March 2017, LBC Auditorium, University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), Ghana (PDF)


This Ghana, previously known as the Gold Coast, marked her sixty years of independence in 2017. Ghana has experienced several phases of governance: from parliamentary democracy to dictatorial one-party governance, military regimes to multi-party democratic governance. Since 1992, Ghana has enjoyed over twenty-five years of uninterrupted civilian rule. However, many argue that the current civilian regime requires immediate reforms to rectify certain fundamental flaws, particularly pertaining to democratic governance and human rights.

In the light of the above, the Faculty of Law of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) organized a two-day conference, which witnessed deliberations among various stakeholders, including members of the Executive Branch of Government, Parliamentarians, the Judiciary, Academia and Civil Society. The outcome of the conference generated comprehensive papers on the evolution of law in Ghana, human rights protection in Ghana since independence, democratic governance and sustainable development of Ghana.



Ghana @ 60: A Personal Perspective
by Prof S.O Gyandoh Jnr., Professor of Law Emeritus, Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, U.S.A

The Theories of Structural Conception of Human Rights in Ghana
by Atupare Atudiwe

Adjudication Of Human Right Cases
by The Courts by Mavis Ekua Enyamah Kwainoe

Over Sixty Years Of Bail Under The Ghanaian Criminal Justice System
by Francisca Kusi-Appiah

Presidential Grant Of Pardon And Rule Of Law: The Case Of Montie Trio
by Lydia A. Nkansah & Maame Efua Addadzi – Koom

Strengthening State Institutions After 60 Years Of Independence. The Case Of The Council Of State In Ghana
by Samuel A. Adjei & Kwame Frimpong

Poor Records Management And The Mockery Of Justice In Ghana
by Thomas Appiah Kubi Asante

‘I Am Independent But I Speak My Master’s Tongue’: A Paradox Of Independence And The Need To Translate The Constitution Into Ghanaian Languages
by Brian S. Akrong

Legislating Sustainable Development: Ghana’s Path To Development
by Edmund Ato Kwaw & P. Ebow Bondzi-Simpson







Publication Date

July 2019

Author information

Hervé Muyo, Ph. D. is an associate professor at Université Pédagogique Nationale (UPN) and Université Catholique du Congo (UCC) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is also a visting professor at Université Catholique de Bukavu (UCB). He is the current vice director of Centre d’Etudes et de Promotion des Recherches en Intervention Socio-Economiques et Socio-Politiques Père Hardy Développement à l’Université Pédagogique Nationale (UPN/CEPRISE/PHD), Kinshasa, DR Congo. Besides, he is a consultant with many humanitarian international organizations that work in the DR Congo and around the world such as Christian Aid and Deutsche Zusammernarbeit (BGF).His research interest is on conflict and migration, gender violence, conflict prevention, peace building, mediation, negotiation et leadership, emotional intelligence, women leadership and empowerment.

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