Living Conditions of Female Inmates in Cameroon (PDF)

Living Conditions of Female Inmates in Cameroon (PDF)





No. of Pages


Publication Date

June 2018


This book presents the narratives of female inmates in Cameroon Prisons. The study examines the national policies and laws on living conditions in Cameroon prisons and how they relate to the lived and narrated experiences of female inmates. The author argues that policy does not always match practice with regards to prison conditions in Cameroon. To address this issue, policy must first of all address human rights issues as well as issues specific to female prisoners and adhered to these policies. Given that, government’s efforts and the work of Non-Governmental Organisations, Faith Based Organisations and international bodies in Cameroonian prisons will only be effective if the corruption, which remains a cankerworm within the Cameroon penitentiaries, is eradicated.

The Contents of this book includes Background Literature; Living conditions of female inmates in Cameroon; Prisons as Torture Chambers in Cameroon; Non-Governmental Organisations, Religion and Faith based Organisations; Conclusion, Policy Recommendations and New Direction.





No. of Pages


Publication Date

June 2018

Author information

Helen Namondo Linonge-Fontebo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Women and Gender Studies, and Faculty Officer in the Faculty of Social Management Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon. She earned a Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (DLitt et Phil) in Sociology, from the University of South Africa, South Africa. She also holds a Master’s degree in Women and Gender studies and a BSc. Double Major in Women’s Studies and Law from the University of Buea Cameroon. She is an alumnus of the Study of the United States Institute (SUSI) on Religious Pluralism and Public Presence from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a part time Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and the Pan African University. Her major research interests include the following: Gender identities, legal sociology and religion, prison studies and human rights.

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