Complementarity, State Sovereignity and Universal Jurisdiction: A South African Perspective

Complementarity, State Sovereignity and Universal Jurisdiction: A South African Perspective



This book examines the extent to which South African courts, acting under the complementarity regime of the Rome Statute are, or are not, allowed to exercise universal jurisdiction over international crimes committed in foreign States.






No. of Pages

ca. 398

Publication Date

December 2016

Author Information

Dr Evode KAYITANA obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) at the National University of Rwanda (NUR), a Master of Laws (LLM) at the University of South Africa (UNISA), specialising in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure and a Doctor of Laws (LLD) at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus in South Africa.
He is a lecturer at the University of Rwanda, School of Law, where he teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, the Law of Evidence and Advanced Criminal Process (LLM). He is also a visiting lecturer at Kigali Independent University and at the University of Lay Adventists of Kigali where he teaches Advanced Research Methodology for Law (LLM), International Criminal Law (LLM) and International Refugee Law (LLM).

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